Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Gah!! The stupid boys outside I banging around a scooter trying to break it into pieces and it's really obnoxious. They are really destructive. And I'm a little annoyed. It's 9:30 at night, no one should be making that much noise.... and why are they doing it right in front of my house?! Ugh... Perhaps my irritability is a good sign?

I'm watching the Discovery Channel, they are having a Pitchmen marathon and the season finale here at 10.

I am officially hired, I worked today 9am to 4:30pm and I go in tomorrow at 8am until 4:30pm but will more than likely leave a lot earlier.

My friend is coming up for the 4th of July on Saturday. It should be interesting especially with my nosey aunt being around. I also have a figure skating class tomorrow, which should be interesting especially for a hockey player... toe-pick!! If my friend goes he is going to maybe take some pictures, haha Bloggingbrit will have a good laugh at them if it happens. I just know I'm going to eat crap. Hmph. At least it's only a 30 minute lesson... and it's free!! We'll see what happens.

So I'm writing this post because I'm bored. I tried knitting, but for some reason after counting all day and forgetting how to make ribbing, I gave up because my purl stitches were just being retarded.

I ate 3 breadsticks and a half of a chicken for dinner. And I'm still hungry. I am also running out of things to write, and I know Bloggingbrit won't be up before I go to bed. And perhaps I may not even talk to him tomorrow, I should though, I mean when I get home from work and before I leave for the skating class... ok, well I'm not feeling too well now. I guess I will finish up with this and lay down, I feel yucky.... ughhhhh

I miss you Bloggingbrit!!

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