It's been a while since I last blogged. Sorry about that!
We're never happy about the weather here in the UK. More specifically, we enjoy complaining about it. It's like a universal ice-breaker that is understood by everyone. Even this morning in the lift to 5th floor of the office I work at, I made some comment about how hot it is, and how there should be some law against having to go to work when it's very warm outside. The guy in the lift (that's elevator to you, Dewthezamboni), replied with something equally silly. I recognise him from the office, but don't really know who he is or what he does.
I should be blogging more regularly again as I have a little project I've been working on, which requires me to blog. I promise I won't neglect this blog for the others I'm involved in!
Back to the weather. We've had our first ever heatwave warning issued, and the government have issued some guidlines on how to keep cool. Helpfully, the BBC website has condensed the information into a top ten list of ways to keep cool. Hope it helps!
Monday, June 29, 2009
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Billy Mays of Oxiclean and Pitchmen is Dead
Breaking News, Billy Mays, from my show Pitchmen, and who does all the "As Seen On TV" things, is now dead. Why is everyone dying?! I didn't believe it when my dad called, and he was laughing about it. Finally this is someone who I can really really appreciate. Yeah Michael Jackson was the King of Pop, but he was also strange. I loved watching Billy Mays show and seeing him on TV and now he's gone, I don't know what to feel. Who is next? Mike Rowe? The Mythbusters? I sure hope not. Now I'm just really pissed off, why is all of Hollywood dying? Here is the article from ABC7 one of my local news stations based out of LA
It's sad too because I recieved his last Twitter yesterday on my phone. I'm gonna save it. Don't let me delete it.
It's sad too because I recieved his last Twitter yesterday on my phone. I'm gonna save it. Don't let me delete it.
Billy Mays,
Bonfire, Guy in Skirt, Flocking
Crazy!! So I literally broke down in tears and almost went home. I had the humougous-est car we own, in tiny parking spots... no parking spaces open... my friend was not being helpful at all. I got there and no open fire pits and my friend wanted to crash someone elses and join in with "the really cute guys" but I was not about to do that. I told her I was going home and she can have the wood. But just at the last minute someone left and gave their fire pit to us and all their extra wood.
My friends didn't come. They couldn't find the place. I got there at 7:25 and circled until 8:30 trying to figure out what to do and where to park.
I was sooooooo stressed out. I was panicking... not so fun.
But whatever, the really gay guy wearing a skirt did Polynesian dancing, another friend almost fell backwards into the fire, I didn't eat anything when I was there. And as soon as my friends (the ones that weren't lost) finally got there.... all the girls flocked to them. I had to go over the them and ask if they needed any help in getting away from the girls. It's like they had never seen a male before!... gah... that's what happens when you have too many guy friends... one brought a friend though that we're trying to hook up with the planner of this big bonfire. It was decent at the end, but it would have been more fun if Bloggingbrit was there haha. I was thinking about him though...
My friends didn't come. They couldn't find the place. I got there at 7:25 and circled until 8:30 trying to figure out what to do and where to park.
I was sooooooo stressed out. I was panicking... not so fun.
But whatever, the really gay guy wearing a skirt did Polynesian dancing, another friend almost fell backwards into the fire, I didn't eat anything when I was there. And as soon as my friends (the ones that weren't lost) finally got there.... all the girls flocked to them. I had to go over the them and ask if they needed any help in getting away from the girls. It's like they had never seen a male before!... gah... that's what happens when you have too many guy friends... one brought a friend though that we're trying to hook up with the planner of this big bonfire. It was decent at the end, but it would have been more fun if Bloggingbrit was there haha. I was thinking about him though...
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Well. Getting here has been hell. Too much to text. Ill post later. I probably wont be here long
Mobile Message
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Michael Jackson dies at age 50
Michael Jackson died today at the age of 50. It's sad when you first hear about it through Facebook. Bloggingbrit and I were having a debate over our sources, whether mine was accurate or his was... or whether he was in a coma or actually deceased (sounds better than dead). He was dead at the scene but they took him to UCLA Medical Center and tried to resuscitate him. They are saying it was a heart attack. (sources from ABC 7 News in LA, on tv)
I'm trying to stay out of it all, I know it's all over the news and everything but I really don't feel comfortable about it at all, and I'm not sure why. I had just finished preparing my dinner when they were showing his body being airlifted to the coroners place. I didn't like seeing that. It scares me... and I want to become a doctor someday too.
Not sure what else to say. It's been a very interesting week. I just want it to be over without anymore deaths, please. And no unfortunate surprises either.
I'm trying to stay out of it all, I know it's all over the news and everything but I really don't feel comfortable about it at all, and I'm not sure why. I had just finished preparing my dinner when they were showing his body being airlifted to the coroners place. I didn't like seeing that. It scares me... and I want to become a doctor someday too.
Not sure what else to say. It's been a very interesting week. I just want it to be over without anymore deaths, please. And no unfortunate surprises either.
Michael Jackson
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
The Hangover
I just saw The Hangover and I have to say it's the best movie I have ever seen. There are brief moments of nudity, so if you're sensitive of that be aware. Otherwise it's a hilarious movie. Stu was my favorite character, the best of them all in my opinion. Here is a clip of Stu's Song from The Hangover
The Hangover
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Owwy. I was making snickerdoodle cookies, and I was taking the last tray out of the oven when the parchment paper started to slip off so I grabbed it and caught the edge of the freaking hot cookie sheet with my finger briefly. =( Bloggingbrit needs to kiss it better =D
I just turned on America's Got Talent, the first act I really saw was someone impersonating Obama, and in my opinion he really looked like him, except his hair was a tad bit too long.
My burnt finger feels funny... I hope I don't lose my fingerprint. My grandma doesn't have all of her fingerprints because she was burned pretty bad years back. I was never told about it, but when she had to do something for filing for bankruptcy, she didn't have a birth certificate, and so they were gonna do something with her fingerprints, but she didn't have them all!! Crazy!! She could get away with murder, because she is pretty much nonexistent on earth!!
I just turned on America's Got Talent, the first act I really saw was someone impersonating Obama, and in my opinion he really looked like him, except his hair was a tad bit too long.
My burnt finger feels funny... I hope I don't lose my fingerprint. My grandma doesn't have all of her fingerprints because she was burned pretty bad years back. I was never told about it, but when she had to do something for filing for bankruptcy, she didn't have a birth certificate, and so they were gonna do something with her fingerprints, but she didn't have them all!! Crazy!! She could get away with murder, because she is pretty much nonexistent on earth!!
Monday, June 22, 2009
Well im on my way to hockey... Stopped at a friends house to pick them up but apparently slept through my first wakeup call or something. Anyway. Just sitting here waiting. Im typing this from my phone, i just thought i would try this feature
**This post has been edited only to add a title and tags as requested by Bloggingbrit
**This post has been edited only to add a title and tags as requested by Bloggingbrit
Sunday, June 21, 2009
I Grabbed Three
La di da di da. I'm not sure what to write, but I thought I'd write something. I'm getting paid to help build a deck and dig holes. Bloggingbrit help helping build a door and dig holes. Hey, I've got a brilliant idea, we should start our own construction company.
Well I was bored, and Mobsters wasn't loading on Myspace so I grabbed 3 DVDs to watch. Ghost Town is on right now, but I'm still bored. There was something funny from Airplane! that Bloggingbrit told me about a while back but I can't remember what it was, so I grabbed that and I'll probably out that on when I finish writing this. And if I'm still bored, I grabbed Jeff Dunham's Christmas Special. Well, I think I'll put on Airplane! now. =D
Well I was bored, and Mobsters wasn't loading on Myspace so I grabbed 3 DVDs to watch. Ghost Town is on right now, but I'm still bored. There was something funny from Airplane! that Bloggingbrit told me about a while back but I can't remember what it was, so I grabbed that and I'll probably out that on when I finish writing this. And if I'm still bored, I grabbed Jeff Dunham's Christmas Special. Well, I think I'll put on Airplane! now. =D
Ghost Town,
Jeff Dunham
Friday, June 19, 2009
Omg, I just had the best night... ask me why... omg it was amazing, I'm still giggling like crazy... please, do ask
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Promises and Hate
Can you believe it? Bloggingbrit told me he hates me. This was supposed to be OUR blog and yet how many posts has he done? Like, 10 at the most, maybe? Get your shit together and stop hating people. You say you've spent all this time fulfilling other people's requests, you know you can say NO to them right? You're not OBLIGATED to be so nice... obviously, you make girls cry!!
Please read this article found below and here:
Sunday, April 9, 2006 - Page updated at 12:00 AM
E-mail article Print view
Interpersonal Edge
Don't make promises that you can't keep
By Daneen Skube
Tribune Media Services
Q: I work in an extremely frenzied industry and just lost a promotion because my boss said I wasn't courteous enough. Specifically, he told me I take too long to return calls, make people wait over 15 minutes when we have meetings, and don't follow through on what I promise. Isn't he being unrealistic to expect me to do these things when every day is chaos?
A: No, your boss is recognizing that trust, integrity and respectful behavior are the foundation of a successful career. People believe you possess these qualities only when they see you voting with your feet, i.e., doing what you say you will.
In our hectic business lives, it's easy to try to make people happy by promising everyone we will do everything. However, when it comes time to deliver, no one is willing to accept our good intentions as a substitute for performance.
Ironically, you're probably in hot water with your boss because you're a really nice person. Most of my clients who overextend themselves are some of the kindest people I know.
They're also people who feel chronically harried, underappreciated and overworked.
Promising too much, like any bad habit, can be changed. The next time someone asks you to commit yourself to a meeting, a project, or an action, ask yourself the following:
1. If everything goes wrong today, will I still be able to do what I just promised?
2. Do I have enough information to know I can deliver what's being asked?
3. Are there factors outside my control that may prevent me from performing?
4. Do I have previous commitments that will interfere with this request?
One trick I teach many of my clients who over-promise is to hedge commitments with factors you know might interfere with performance. For instance, if you have a meeting scheduled during a time of day that's hectic, make it clear you're tentatively planning to meet but may need to reschedule.
In addition, if you default on a commitment, don't expect that your apology will fix the trust you just broke. Your future ability to keep your word will work better than any charming words.
Please read this article found below and here:
Sunday, April 9, 2006 - Page updated at 12:00 AM
E-mail article Print view
Interpersonal Edge
Don't make promises that you can't keep
By Daneen Skube
Tribune Media Services
Q: I work in an extremely frenzied industry and just lost a promotion because my boss said I wasn't courteous enough. Specifically, he told me I take too long to return calls, make people wait over 15 minutes when we have meetings, and don't follow through on what I promise. Isn't he being unrealistic to expect me to do these things when every day is chaos?
A: No, your boss is recognizing that trust, integrity and respectful behavior are the foundation of a successful career. People believe you possess these qualities only when they see you voting with your feet, i.e., doing what you say you will.
In our hectic business lives, it's easy to try to make people happy by promising everyone we will do everything. However, when it comes time to deliver, no one is willing to accept our good intentions as a substitute for performance.
Ironically, you're probably in hot water with your boss because you're a really nice person. Most of my clients who overextend themselves are some of the kindest people I know.
They're also people who feel chronically harried, underappreciated and overworked.
Promising too much, like any bad habit, can be changed. The next time someone asks you to commit yourself to a meeting, a project, or an action, ask yourself the following:
1. If everything goes wrong today, will I still be able to do what I just promised?
2. Do I have enough information to know I can deliver what's being asked?
3. Are there factors outside my control that may prevent me from performing?
4. Do I have previous commitments that will interfere with this request?
One trick I teach many of my clients who over-promise is to hedge commitments with factors you know might interfere with performance. For instance, if you have a meeting scheduled during a time of day that's hectic, make it clear you're tentatively planning to meet but may need to reschedule.
In addition, if you default on a commitment, don't expect that your apology will fix the trust you just broke. Your future ability to keep your word will work better than any charming words.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Ok ok, so since I am still watching all those Peepolykus videos, especially the ones I posted in the previous post (see below!!) I thought I'd share a video that Bloggingbrit showed me a few days ago that I have been laughing about still. I even was thinking it on the ice today during my clinic when I was sweating... it was like 40 degrees F in there, but I was sweating... and I kept thinking to myself... Scorchio!! I was even chuckling a little bit too, I'm pretty sure no one noticed though. Anyway, I'm on a video roll, so I'm going to post the Scorchio!! clip.
Skip to about time 2:35
Skip to about time 2:35
Monday, June 15, 2009
Videos Tonight
My plans for tonight were cut to an end. I'm staying home, probably will watch Yes, Man and after stay up late watching more episodes of Extr@ as I finished all the YouTube videos on Peepolykus. Maybe Bloggingbrit will come on before work, but I doubt because he thought I was going out tonight.
Anyway, here are some of my favorite clips from Peepolykus that I want to share with Javier Marzan ♥
Javier Marzan here is the one doing the stuffing of the crackers
Javier is the one doing all the different disguises haha
This is the link that's been "flooding" my mind with hilarity.
Anyway, here are some of my favorite clips from Peepolykus that I want to share with Javier Marzan ♥
Javier Marzan here is the one doing the stuffing of the crackers
Javier is the one doing all the different disguises haha
This is the link that's been "flooding" my mind with hilarity.
Javier Marzan,
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Gah!! Must finish this before 12am Monday... which gives me only 23 mins from this exact moment to post.
Peepolykus (pronounced People Like Us) is amazing... it has Javier Marzan in it (adorable!!) and it's really funny. I was told not to wait up tonight, but i quickly became sidetracked and have been "flooded" with more and more video clips from their site and from youtube. I will post the link to the "flooded" episode in my next post, trust me, it's funny. Haha.
Best videos I've seen in a while, and I'm glad to see that Javier is still so funny, and he is speaking english, compared to when he was in Extr@ and he spoke spanish.
Bedtime soon... and tomorrow I'll be watching more Peepolykus and rewatching episodes of Extr@
Peepolykus (pronounced People Like Us) is amazing... it has Javier Marzan in it (adorable!!) and it's really funny. I was told not to wait up tonight, but i quickly became sidetracked and have been "flooded" with more and more video clips from their site and from youtube. I will post the link to the "flooded" episode in my next post, trust me, it's funny. Haha.
Best videos I've seen in a while, and I'm glad to see that Javier is still so funny, and he is speaking english, compared to when he was in Extr@ and he spoke spanish.
Bedtime soon... and tomorrow I'll be watching more Peepolykus and rewatching episodes of Extr@
Javier Marzan,
Saturday, June 13, 2009
It's a win-win night!!
Tonight I went to the Angel game. It was so heartbreaking to see the Nick Adenhart Memorial they have out front of the stadium. I was trying hard not to cry. I wanted to leave something, but I didn't have anything to leave.

We also have one of those bricks laid down for one of our family members.
I was able to watch the Game 7 of the Stanley Cup Finals... I had some friends updating me with the score, but I caught the last 3 mins by binoculars looking into the Suite Boxes. Someone with the big screen tv in their suite had the game on and I got to see THE PENGUINS WIN THE STANLEY CUP!! It was amazing... The guy behind me, probably in his early 20s, was keeping me updated on the score too haha. I was wearing my Sidney Crosby shirt for the Penguins and when they finally showed on the Angels Big Screen that the Penguins won the cup, I stood up and screamed (being careful not to fall over the railing to the deck below).
Later we were getting ice cream sundaes in the cute little Angels batting helmet cups and like 3 people stopped me about my shirt. The first was a younger boy who caught me going down the ramp and he just yelled "Go Penguins!!" and I smiled in response. The next was a man and his smaller child, and I passed him and he shouted "Penguins!!" and I turned and rooted too haha. Then when we were in line, that same guy passed me again and stopped to tell me "I'm so glad you guys won, I had to see the Wings get beat" and I agreed and he continued walking. After I got my sundae I was just starting to walk back to my seat and two guys in their mid 20s shouted "CROSBY!!" and I turned around and was like "Yeeeahh!!!" and it was so awesome (I was wearing the Crosby shirt,remember). So I got recognized 3 times in under 10 minutes for my support of the Penguins haha. Yay!!
One of my friends sent me a Ron Hextall Tribute video, he was a goalie for the Philadelphia Flyers (NHL) and actually scored a goal haha. He wore my favorite number, and he was a fighting goalie... even better!! A fighting, goal-scoring goalie... I love it.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Tomorrow are the BIG GAMES!!
Tomorrow is the game. I'm excited but bummed out too because I'm going to miss all of Game 7 of the Stanley Cup Finals. I've got internet on my phone so I'll bookmark the site to get the score, and I have a friend who is a huge Penguins fan and she'll keep me posted with scores via text message. I'm hoping that they will make some big announcement at the Angels game about it, I'll be one to stand up and start screaming and cheering haha. I'm also thinking about wearing my red LA Kings jersey, red for the Angels, yet still supporting hockey and my Kings. But I'd love to wear my Sidney Crosby jersey for the Penguins too, all while still keeping on my Reggie Willits jersey!! AHH!!. Too many jerseys!! Well only 3 I guess haha, but all different teams =D
So yeah, that's my plan. Knowing my luck, the Red Wings will win, at least I'll have a red Kings jersey though so I'm totally covered. The ultimate insurance package summed up in 3 shirts. Sweet!!
So yeah, that's my plan. Knowing my luck, the Red Wings will win, at least I'll have a red Kings jersey though so I'm totally covered. The ultimate insurance package summed up in 3 shirts. Sweet!!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
I'm going to an Angels game on Friday!! Woo hoo!! It will be the first time I've gone since September 2007. I hope Reggie Willits is playing...
Duuuuuuuuuuuuuude, what am I going to do until Friday? I could read I guess... I colored a cool lizard tessellation last night.
Duuuuuuuuuuuuuude, what am I going to do until Friday? I could read I guess... I colored a cool lizard tessellation last night.
Reggie WIllits,
Sunday, June 7, 2009
I got lots of sleep last night,13 hours worth. I wish I could give like an hour or two to Bloggingbrit every morning so that way he gets more than 4 hours of sleep a night!! Grr...
Oh hey,do you want to see some bruises? I've basically got all 4 corners covered. And after my dad playfully punched me multiple times in the hip bone... hard... I'll probably get another. One was from playing on my knees on the ice, another was from hitting my knee on a step in a jacuzzi, another was from knocking my elbow on the table and chair at dinner.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
So Sleepy
The expected storm this weekend has so far ceased to exist. I was hoping for some more rain. Rain is fun. I'm super exhausted tonight, will be in bed early. Late night last night at a friends house and got up early for a garage sale. I believe I got less than 5 hours of sleep, which is half as much as I'm used to.
Ice skating again on Monday, I'm looking forward to it. But someone needs to get his own hockey skates before he can try sticktime with me =P
I've heard The Hangover was a good movie. I haven't seen it (yet) but I will recommend you to go see it.
Currently I'm watching Dirty Jobs with Mike Rowe, but I'm about to fall asleep, so goodnight =)
P.S. Bloggingbrit is awesome
P.S.S. I need new chapstick, preferably non-minty because it burns!!
Ice skating again on Monday, I'm looking forward to it. But someone needs to get his own hockey skates before he can try sticktime with me =P
I've heard The Hangover was a good movie. I haven't seen it (yet) but I will recommend you to go see it.
Currently I'm watching Dirty Jobs with Mike Rowe, but I'm about to fall asleep, so goodnight =)
P.S. Bloggingbrit is awesome
P.S.S. I need new chapstick, preferably non-minty because it burns!!
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Thunder & Lightning
Well, we had a terrific thunder and lightning storm this morning. I literally jumped out of bed. My dad was driving home from the gym and he stopped the car because he thought a bomb went off. The lights in the building my mom was at flickered on and off, and my friend's little brother was right in the middle of bubbling in "A" on his scantron test when the lightning cracked and he jumped, scribbling a line across his paper.
It was awesome, went on for hours. We haven't had anything like that in ages here. Unfortunately a lightning strike set parts of San Dimas on fire, as well as another strike that hit a lady standing under a tree and literally blew her clothes off, and killed her.
Still crazy though. And the clouds were amazing. At one point there was a bunch of deep grey clouds, all coming to a center circle, and I swear some Dementors from Harry Potter were going to come flying out of this black hole in the sky.
It was awesome, went on for hours. We haven't had anything like that in ages here. Unfortunately a lightning strike set parts of San Dimas on fire, as well as another strike that hit a lady standing under a tree and literally blew her clothes off, and killed her.
Still crazy though. And the clouds were amazing. At one point there was a bunch of deep grey clouds, all coming to a center circle, and I swear some Dementors from Harry Potter were going to come flying out of this black hole in the sky.
Harry Potter,
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
I wanted to post, but I'm not sure what to write. I feel like going to the beach. I want a bonfire. I've never had one at night at the beach before. Bloggingbrit knows what I want, but he also knows it's difficult. Hm, the new Man vs Wild was on. It was good. Sorry, I'm feeling kind of blank right now. And I miss the company of Bloggingbrit...
Bear Grylls,
Discovery Channel,
Man vs Wild
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