Saturday, November 28, 2009

Tripped Up

Somehow I ended up pulling on someones killing jersey I have that belongs to them. He let me hang onto it. I haven't worn it in a while, but I felt like wearing it tonight.

Things are pretty hectic in my life now, I feel like I'm losing control and everything is going downhill. As for Bloggingbrit last I heard was he seemed to be doing well with his job hunt. I hope someone hires him soon, if he didn't already get a job by now. It has been a few days since we really chatted. I've got so much on my mind I am becoming clumsy at work especially. I've smashed my same finger twice, two different methods, on two different days. I've run into just about everything with my head, shoulders, and hips. And today I added my eyebrow to the list. I nearly gouged out my own eyeball when I leaned under a fixture and I didn't notice an empty peg there and it jabbed me right in my eyebrow. Any lower and I would have killed my eye. Ironic too because it was on the fixture with all the sharp kitchen knives. I don't know what I'm going to do with myself.

I wasn't really meaning to go on a rant like that but it's probably a good idea to let people know that accidents and bodily injuries seem to be gaining on me so keep a good watch on me to make sure I don't get smashed by crazy hail like this morning, or get hit by a garbage truck or something.

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