it looks as though Bloggingbrit has been doing more posting lately. And I noticed the new Google search bar and the thing to follow the blog I think maybe he added... to make money -_-
And he might want to say it but too bad I'm going to say he's got a few days or temporary work I guess.. which is better than nothing. I really thought things were going to be good with that whole job interview thing. I'd hire him!! He knows that =]
And for the Google Wave or whatever it is, yeah I signed up with Bloggingbrit but it's confusing for me to use. It's confusing and the way things have been going in my life right now it's really best not to mess with my head when I can't even think straight as it is without trying to learn new programs. I've become so clumsy it's scary. And the sad thing is I'm beginning to feel like Bella... from Twilight... except I'm not being pulled towards the werewolf or the vampire. I'm being pulled between two Marine hockey players that resemble the vampire and the werewolf. I've already leaked too much information. Time to watch the encore presentation of National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation... again.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Google Wave
I've finally got a Google Wave account, and I am enjoying trying out its features. As it's still only in Preview release there are some things that aren't available yet, and a few bugs that I've noticed too. I had 8 invitations available, so I gave Dewi an invite. I hope she will embrace it and use it often, but I won't be forgetting about this blog!
I still have 7 invites left... maybe I can sell them on ebay...
I still have 7 invites left... maybe I can sell them on ebay...
Google Wave,
I have been unemployed for almost 3 months. I am trying hard to look for work, but it seems to be harder than ever to find a job in the current ecconomic climate (as people on the tv news always like to say).
I thought I got a job last Friday. I had applied some weeks back, waited, attended a preliminary interview, waited, took a telephone interview, waited, and then on Friday I attended a 4 hour interview at the company's premises. I answered questions, did a group discussion with other applicants, had a telephone role play with an 'angry customer', and finally a 'proper' interview where I had to say why i was suitable for the role and explain my experience and give examples of all the qualities and traits they were looking for. I thought it had gone quite well, maybe except for the last part as it's been about 6 years since I last did this kind of call centre work, and I was a little bit rusty. Anyway, after all that, I was told I wasn't what they were looking for, I didn't quite show the 'drive' they wanted to see in their employees. Grrrrrr!
I thought I got a job last Friday. I had applied some weeks back, waited, attended a preliminary interview, waited, took a telephone interview, waited, and then on Friday I attended a 4 hour interview at the company's premises. I answered questions, did a group discussion with other applicants, had a telephone role play with an 'angry customer', and finally a 'proper' interview where I had to say why i was suitable for the role and explain my experience and give examples of all the qualities and traits they were looking for. I thought it had gone quite well, maybe except for the last part as it's been about 6 years since I last did this kind of call centre work, and I was a little bit rusty. Anyway, after all that, I was told I wasn't what they were looking for, I didn't quite show the 'drive' they wanted to see in their employees. Grrrrrr!
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Tripped Up
Somehow I ended up pulling on someones killing jersey I have that belongs to them. He let me hang onto it. I haven't worn it in a while, but I felt like wearing it tonight.
Things are pretty hectic in my life now, I feel like I'm losing control and everything is going downhill. As for Bloggingbrit last I heard was he seemed to be doing well with his job hunt. I hope someone hires him soon, if he didn't already get a job by now. It has been a few days since we really chatted. I've got so much on my mind I am becoming clumsy at work especially. I've smashed my same finger twice, two different methods, on two different days. I've run into just about everything with my head, shoulders, and hips. And today I added my eyebrow to the list. I nearly gouged out my own eyeball when I leaned under a fixture and I didn't notice an empty peg there and it jabbed me right in my eyebrow. Any lower and I would have killed my eye. Ironic too because it was on the fixture with all the sharp kitchen knives. I don't know what I'm going to do with myself.
I wasn't really meaning to go on a rant like that but it's probably a good idea to let people know that accidents and bodily injuries seem to be gaining on me so keep a good watch on me to make sure I don't get smashed by crazy hail like this morning, or get hit by a garbage truck or something.
Things are pretty hectic in my life now, I feel like I'm losing control and everything is going downhill. As for Bloggingbrit last I heard was he seemed to be doing well with his job hunt. I hope someone hires him soon, if he didn't already get a job by now. It has been a few days since we really chatted. I've got so much on my mind I am becoming clumsy at work especially. I've smashed my same finger twice, two different methods, on two different days. I've run into just about everything with my head, shoulders, and hips. And today I added my eyebrow to the list. I nearly gouged out my own eyeball when I leaned under a fixture and I didn't notice an empty peg there and it jabbed me right in my eyebrow. Any lower and I would have killed my eye. Ironic too because it was on the fixture with all the sharp kitchen knives. I don't know what I'm going to do with myself.
I wasn't really meaning to go on a rant like that but it's probably a good idea to let people know that accidents and bodily injuries seem to be gaining on me so keep a good watch on me to make sure I don't get smashed by crazy hail like this morning, or get hit by a garbage truck or something.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Team Jacob
Jacob Black. That's my team. I'm turning into a Twilight nerd!! I've read the first book now in preparation for seeing the second movie. I could have just watched the first movie as we have it at home but the movies are never the same. So now I'm going to read New Moon (after seeing the movie haha) and I've found it's really addictive.
I used to chuckle at the people who were so obsessed with all the Twilight stuff but I've found the first book is actually really really good and as I mentioned, addicting. I have another reason why I happen to find myself drifting towards the whole scene because I'm close with someone who happens to resemble the character Jacob Black fairly closely, which I really can't complain about. Also, might I add that Robert Pattinson is not very attractive at all, and I really don't like something about Edward Cullen and his here-again gone-again moods. He's cold to the touch, Jacob is always warm and running a certain kind of fever.
Anyway it turns out tomorrow is Black Friday (haha, ironic.. you'll see why) and I plan on going to the mall and stopping by Hot Topic because I know they always have merchandise from the latest hit movies and Twilight especially so I'm going to buy myself a Jacob Black (on Black Friday!! hehe) poster. And maybe if they got a decent size wallet too, because I've been meaning to get a knew one. Ooh and I get paid tomorrow.
Speaking of paychecks and work, I've got to work all weekend, I have shitty hours, and I don't have time really to spend with anyone even if I wanted to. I'd rather work early in the morning, instead of the afternoon to closing, because when u work closing you can't really do much during your day. So lame!!
I used to chuckle at the people who were so obsessed with all the Twilight stuff but I've found the first book is actually really really good and as I mentioned, addicting. I have another reason why I happen to find myself drifting towards the whole scene because I'm close with someone who happens to resemble the character Jacob Black fairly closely, which I really can't complain about. Also, might I add that Robert Pattinson is not very attractive at all, and I really don't like something about Edward Cullen and his here-again gone-again moods. He's cold to the touch, Jacob is always warm and running a certain kind of fever.
Anyway it turns out tomorrow is Black Friday (haha, ironic.. you'll see why) and I plan on going to the mall and stopping by Hot Topic because I know they always have merchandise from the latest hit movies and Twilight especially so I'm going to buy myself a Jacob Black (on Black Friday!! hehe) poster. And maybe if they got a decent size wallet too, because I've been meaning to get a knew one. Ooh and I get paid tomorrow.
Speaking of paychecks and work, I've got to work all weekend, I have shitty hours, and I don't have time really to spend with anyone even if I wanted to. I'd rather work early in the morning, instead of the afternoon to closing, because when u work closing you can't really do much during your day. So lame!!
Jacob Black,
New Moon,
Team Jacob,
Monday, November 23, 2009
Long Distance Relationships
Long distance relationships don't work. They can't work. You can easily have long distance friends, but closer relationships need to include a physical element which just isn't possible when two people are kept seperate.
If there was a way for those two people to get together, even just occassionally, then maybe it could work out. I've not been lucky enough to test that out, so I can't really comment.
If there was a way for those two people to get together, even just occassionally, then maybe it could work out. I've not been lucky enough to test that out, so I can't really comment.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Bloody Ice
Today I watched my linemate get his face split open. We had just been serving a penalty together in the box and not even a minute after we got out, he got tripped along the boards and smacked his face on the ice. I just thought he fell like usual until I heard someone say there was blood then I turned and saw him lying face down, holding his face, and not getting up. I didn't see any blood until he finally got up and his face was covered in blood, there was blood on the ice in a big puddle and other smaller puddles. One of my friends that plays on Saturday and other days too was there and he went to help him out once he was off the ice in the locker room. When he came back out he had wiped his face off so there wasn't blood smeared everywhere, but it was dripping down his face like crazy. I jumped off the bench to go talk to him and he said he needed to go to the hospital. After the game I got a text and I brought home some of his gear that he had left at the rink and it's sitting in my room right now. He pretty much looked like this but the blood dripping down all sides of his face...
My stomach sank when he looked at me like that. The guy behind me from the other team said "that's why you wear a cage" and I almost turned around and punched him in the face. No one messes with my boys. Especially none on my line. And especially my friend. He's at the hospital right now getting his face sewn back together. Mainly his eyebrow that took it big and his lip too.

Thursday, November 19, 2009
I know what I'm doing winter break...
To my utter surprise, I got a very exciting email today while I was away at my lab. Jonathan Goodwin, a bald British escapologist that has a show on sometimes in the U.S. called "One Way Out" on the Discovery Channel. I have chatted to him multiple times on various occasions and I have been telling him if he ever does a show in Los Angeles I think it'd be really cool because I can go see it. Here is what the email said:
Hey [DewTheZamboni]**!!
Just an FYI that I am performing at an awesome variety show called "The Dirty Secret Club" on December 17th at the Hollywood and Highland Center. It would be great to see you there!! Info and tickets are available at (I am the mystery guest)
Feel free to bring as many people as you like, I promise it will be a great night!!
Jonathan :)
**Name has been changed.
I thought it was so cool that he remembered me. I really plan on going to see it, and hopefully I will get to meet another bald guy in L.A. that remembers me from some website haha, that's a different story.
So there's the link if anyone is interested in going, It should be great!! I'd love to meet Jonathan. Bloggingbrit might find this a bit amusing maybe, I don't know.
Hey [DewTheZamboni]**!!
Just an FYI that I am performing at an awesome variety show called "The Dirty Secret Club" on December 17th at the Hollywood and Highland Center. It would be great to see you there!! Info and tickets are available at (I am the mystery guest)
Feel free to bring as many people as you like, I promise it will be a great night!!
Jonathan :)
**Name has been changed.
I thought it was so cool that he remembered me. I really plan on going to see it, and hopefully I will get to meet another bald guy in L.A. that remembers me from some website haha, that's a different story.
So there's the link if anyone is interested in going, It should be great!! I'd love to meet Jonathan. Bloggingbrit might find this a bit amusing maybe, I don't know.
Jonathan Goodwin,
One Way Out
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Nothing to say..
I'm sorry I haven't posted much. I've had a lot of stuff going on, and after what I found today about my boyfriend, the drama is just escalating all around me. Between my boyfriend and his little "adventures" without me and the excuses he's making, to a friend on my team, to the two friends I hooked up and the guy is just being a complete asshole. Plus school and work getting extended hours. I just want to get out and be alone for a while, unless I can have someone with me that will keep me company, just one single person, who could entertain me at those moments late at night when everything is 100 times funnier.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Optical Illusion 1
I really like optical illusions, and I thought I had pretty much seen them all before, but then I saw this on Derren Brown's blog, so thought I would share it here.
This one is really good because when I followed the instructions and focused just on the green dot in the middle, and watched the yellow dots appear and disappear, I still didn't know what the illusion was supposed to be, lol.
See what you think. It's best if you play it full screen.
The blog post I found it from is this and full information about the effect can be found here.
I've called this post Optical Illusion 1 in case I decide to add others later.
This one is really good because when I followed the instructions and focused just on the green dot in the middle, and watched the yellow dots appear and disappear, I still didn't know what the illusion was supposed to be, lol.
See what you think. It's best if you play it full screen.
The blog post I found it from is this and full information about the effect can be found here.
I've called this post Optical Illusion 1 in case I decide to add others later.
Derren Brown,
Optical Illusion
Saturday, November 7, 2009
New Car?
I know I'm overdue for a post I think. I've been busy lately, in fact I still need to finish a bit of homework before bed tonight!! And it's already 9!! I can do it tomorrow but I've got a game.
Sticktime and Pick-up was this morning, like usual. I played and felt really good about it. Had multiple scoring opportunities I took advantage of, and I was actually trusted to have the puck passed, get dropped back to, and be able to drop the puck back to someone else. It felt really good. I've made a lot of improvements since a year and a half ago I think.
On another note, the family truck has been having more and more problems lately. And it's very possible I'm getting my own new 2010 model car on Tuesday or Wednesday. I've decided on a Scion xD, in either white, dark metallic grey, or black pearl. I'll have to see what they look like in person but I guess my dad has already done some looking at the dealerships already. I'm excited. Very excited. Not to mention i have basically 4 days off this week, it's pretty awesome, that includes work AND school. Yay!!
Sticktime and Pick-up was this morning, like usual. I played and felt really good about it. Had multiple scoring opportunities I took advantage of, and I was actually trusted to have the puck passed, get dropped back to, and be able to drop the puck back to someone else. It felt really good. I've made a lot of improvements since a year and a half ago I think.
On another note, the family truck has been having more and more problems lately. And it's very possible I'm getting my own new 2010 model car on Tuesday or Wednesday. I've decided on a Scion xD, in either white, dark metallic grey, or black pearl. I'll have to see what they look like in person but I guess my dad has already done some looking at the dealerships already. I'm excited. Very excited. Not to mention i have basically 4 days off this week, it's pretty awesome, that includes work AND school. Yay!!
Friday, November 6, 2009
Derek Acorah
A couple of hours ago I sat down to watch Michael Jackson: The Live Seance on television. I was expecting it to be bad tv, and it was. No, it was worse.
I am very skeptical about this sort of thing anyway, so when all the boxes are ticked (eg. choosing young, vulnerable, guliable, over-emotional Michael Jackson fans to take part), it's inevitable that the participants get completely taken in by Acorah. I'd like to think that most of the TV viewers can see through this charade, but psychics are big business so unfortunately I'm probably wrong.
If you're wondering what we learned from the seance, it was basically this...
1)Michael is getting used to the spirit world, happy to be with his grandparents.
2)Michael is unhappy about journalists telling lies.
3)David Gest is STILL the most incredibly annoying name-dropper on the planet.
I am very skeptical about this sort of thing anyway, so when all the boxes are ticked (eg. choosing young, vulnerable, guliable, over-emotional Michael Jackson fans to take part), it's inevitable that the participants get completely taken in by Acorah. I'd like to think that most of the TV viewers can see through this charade, but psychics are big business so unfortunately I'm probably wrong.
If you're wondering what we learned from the seance, it was basically this...
1)Michael is getting used to the spirit world, happy to be with his grandparents.
2)Michael is unhappy about journalists telling lies.
3)David Gest is STILL the most incredibly annoying name-dropper on the planet.
David Gest,
Derek Acorah,
Michael Jackson,
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