I have decided I don't want to drive on base by myself anymore. I will ride with someone, but I don't want to drive... especially alone at night!! I had an all day date today which I enjoyed, but I didn't enjoy having to drive through the frickin warzone and passing loaded tanks at night on roads with no streetlights to get him back to the barracks. Not to mention I got very close to my ex's work, close enough to see the basic area, but thank goodness we turned off before I had to actually pass it. But I prefer my ex's barracks to this new guy. Too far outta the way.
Class starts tomorrow. I want to go, but I don't at the same time. It will give me something to do during the day, but my mom has been being a butthead these last two weeks and been getting me up super early every morning for no reason, so I'm gonna be dead tomorrow. And probably itchy still from the dang grass I was rolling in, trying to get my car keys back -_-
He remembered Bloggingbrit... I was telling him how I wished tomorrow was a holiday for us too here in the USA, and he remembered it was Bloggingbrit I was talking about and how I always talk to him before bed every night.
Well, that's all for now. The number I want for hockey is available, so I'm excited, and registration will only be about $442 instead of $500, but the jersey I need is $100, and I need 2, so the Captain said buy the one we wear most, and then buy a cheap one and have the numbers done for the one we only wear sometimes. I'm tired and should sleep, but I got a lot on my mind. I'm physically exhausted, it's one of those nights I want company, even to fall asleep with, but I can't have it. I won't get to talk to Bloggingbrit till the morning. I'm off
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Monday, August 24, 2009
Registration, Hockey.
I'm so excited because I'm finally registering for hockey. And it's on a great team, I know the Captain and a few of the players already. I should be fun. He will be sending me a list of available numbers I can pick for my jerseys (we have two different colors) and I am really hopeful that my number is available. Season starts September 16th, which is not that far away.
Also classes start soon. I'm happy about having something productive to do now, just not looking forward to the lab I have to take this semester. Man it's gonna suck, I don't like labs. And this one is twice as long as the first lab I did.
Well, that's about all I have to say for now. Tomorrow I have a dentist appointment and then I'm visiting a friend before she moves. Wednesday I might have a date, and Friday I might have a date, and Saturday is finally gonna be spent at the tracks. Busy busy busy
Also classes start soon. I'm happy about having something productive to do now, just not looking forward to the lab I have to take this semester. Man it's gonna suck, I don't like labs. And this one is twice as long as the first lab I did.
Well, that's about all I have to say for now. Tomorrow I have a dentist appointment and then I'm visiting a friend before she moves. Wednesday I might have a date, and Friday I might have a date, and Saturday is finally gonna be spent at the tracks. Busy busy busy
Friday, August 21, 2009
New Gear
FedEx came this morning at 11:11am. Cool!! And it's been cloudy like a thunderstorm all day. I read in the forecast tomorrow we are supposed to get thunderstorms, I really want that, it'd be amazing!!
Nike Bauer Vapor XXXX Track Jacket front unzipped

Bauer Vapor Series,
Nike Bauer,
Skate Laces,
That is Quick!!
Ok so I checked my order status this morning on all the hockey stuff I ordered Wednesday night, and I know they have a distribution center in San Diego, and I'm not far from there. I knew it wouldn't take that long because it was coming from there but when I looked at the report thing, I cracked up. They used to much extra gas hauling my order all over southern California. I took a screencap so I could show you, with all info leading to me being blurred out...
If you can enlarge it you can read it better.
If you can enlarge it you can read it better.

Thursday, August 20, 2009
Pen Please
Ok so I was a little harsh on that last post. Compared to another date I had, Jimmy is a sweety at heart. And he says he really likes me so I should give him a chance. He is rough on the outside, but I believe he's a good guy. For once I mean I didn't feel much jealousy when he had been talking about his girl friends he has. And I will say I enjoyed when he took my hands because I said I was cold, and put them on his thigh and rubbed my hands really fast with his hands to warm them up... And I like his truck.
But at the same time all I want is my best friend. And I want him to send me a pen!! He's got a whole box of them and can't let go of just one!! Grrr
But at the same time all I want is my best friend. And I want him to send me a pen!! He's got a whole box of them and can't let go of just one!! Grrr
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Not Really Feelin' It
Well I went on my mini-date with Jimmy today. I had fun, so did he, but it didn't feel like a date. I've decided ice skating is a terrible date place unless the couple is already a couple... otherwise it's just kind of awkward at times. I hopped in his truck afterward (which smelled soooooo good... I love that 'new car' smell) and we drove to look for a place to eat. We ate at Wendy's, then he took me back to my car and we left.
I like him, but also I don't really feel a connection or anything. Nothing about him has made me feel like I could really really enjoy being his girlfriend. Maybe it's because I don't feel like I'm his type and he's mine. I definitely want to be his friend. But working to being his girlfriend might take a very long time for me.
On the other hand, I've been talking to another guy, Jason, and he happens to be coming into my town tomorrow so my mom said it's alright if I meet him. There is something about him that intrigues me, I'm not sure what it is, but he is very different than Jimmy. So sometime tomorrow we will meet up, get a smoothie maybe, and talk a walk. He's not as tall as Jimmy, I think he is Bloggingbrit's height (if he hasn't grown since the last time we talked about height) so I'm pleased that he's still taller than me. Oh, and he's 3 years younger than Jimmy, 4 years older than me. Jimmy just turned 26, he is about 6.5 years older than me. Still a year younger than the guy I had last summer (Bloggingbrit knows).
So at the moment I'm waiting for my toes to dry, I repainted them. Bloggingbrit will be up in about 2 hours, and I have clothes to put away still. Not too many though.
Hmm, I just got a text message from a number in my area code but the number isn't saved... I'm gonna wait and see who it is. Oh, it's Ryan, cool... Fireman from Redlands... Anyway, I should put away my clothes before Bloggingbrit wakes up so I can be all his.
I like him, but also I don't really feel a connection or anything. Nothing about him has made me feel like I could really really enjoy being his girlfriend. Maybe it's because I don't feel like I'm his type and he's mine. I definitely want to be his friend. But working to being his girlfriend might take a very long time for me.
On the other hand, I've been talking to another guy, Jason, and he happens to be coming into my town tomorrow so my mom said it's alright if I meet him. There is something about him that intrigues me, I'm not sure what it is, but he is very different than Jimmy. So sometime tomorrow we will meet up, get a smoothie maybe, and talk a walk. He's not as tall as Jimmy, I think he is Bloggingbrit's height (if he hasn't grown since the last time we talked about height) so I'm pleased that he's still taller than me. Oh, and he's 3 years younger than Jimmy, 4 years older than me. Jimmy just turned 26, he is about 6.5 years older than me. Still a year younger than the guy I had last summer (Bloggingbrit knows).
So at the moment I'm waiting for my toes to dry, I repainted them. Bloggingbrit will be up in about 2 hours, and I have clothes to put away still. Not too many though.
Hmm, I just got a text message from a number in my area code but the number isn't saved... I'm gonna wait and see who it is. Oh, it's Ryan, cool... Fireman from Redlands... Anyway, I should put away my clothes before Bloggingbrit wakes up so I can be all his.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Oreo Milkshake
Well, I met up to get my buddy some skates... as he drooled over all the goalie gear. Nick wasn't working, so sad. We hung out at the truck for a while, talked, then he wanted to go get a milkshake... like 1 milkshake or a malt with two straws, it was pretty adorable especially because he totally doesn't look like the type of guy to do that. We ended up just getting our own shakes anyway, but we sat and talked a bit. Tomorrow we go skating. I'm really excited, I think he is too.
And apparently he is impressed that I'm a confident driver. Like when he was following me from work yesterday he thought I was gonna drive all slow and stuff over the speed bumps but no, I plow right through them haha. And yeah, he watched me drive as he was following me and I think he thinks I'm "badass" for driving a big truck and for playing/liking hockey.....
He just really doesn't seem like the type of guy that would like me, it's odd. But I'm gonna take it slow. I'm very pleased with his height, and he drives a nice truck. We'll see how it goes. It seems like he likes me but he still is shy a little. Anyway, tomorrow will be fun I think. I have to pick up his skates in the morning because Todd will have them sharpened. And I'm gonna go to the gym tomorrow morning too... I'm gonna write out my plan right now...
6 or 7: Gym
Shower, wash hair, blowdry partially and style partially (I worry it won't dry in time, but it should be ok)
Head to pick up Jimmy's skates no later than 12:30pm
Skate 1:30-5:15
And apparently he is impressed that I'm a confident driver. Like when he was following me from work yesterday he thought I was gonna drive all slow and stuff over the speed bumps but no, I plow right through them haha. And yeah, he watched me drive as he was following me and I think he thinks I'm "badass" for driving a big truck and for playing/liking hockey.....
He just really doesn't seem like the type of guy that would like me, it's odd. But I'm gonna take it slow. I'm very pleased with his height, and he drives a nice truck. We'll see how it goes. It seems like he likes me but he still is shy a little. Anyway, tomorrow will be fun I think. I have to pick up his skates in the morning because Todd will have them sharpened. And I'm gonna go to the gym tomorrow morning too... I'm gonna write out my plan right now...
6 or 7: Gym
Shower, wash hair, blowdry partially and style partially (I worry it won't dry in time, but it should be ok)
Head to pick up Jimmy's skates no later than 12:30pm
Skate 1:30-5:15
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Mama Got Mad
So I kinda got in trouble with my mom today... but she is okay now that Dad has reassured her. I had been signed up for an online dating site and met a guy today for coffee. I told my mom and she flipped out and my dad came home and calmed her down. As you might already know (I know Bloggingbrit knows well) my mom is easily stressed and a hypochondriac sometimes... but she was reassured after I showed her his profile and all that. And she read mine and I think was pleased about what I had to say about myself and what I wanted.
He has a cute name, and is taller than me (big bonus!!) and he actually reminds me a little of my dad's friend Dane, one of the identical twins... I consider that a little bit of a plus too, but no one else but maybe Bloggingbrit would know that.
So he bought me coffee and we talked hockey (he loves hockey too like me) and then my mom called and made me come home right away. But he gave me a little half-hug when we left and it was totally a no pressure situation. =)
Bloggingbrit, I hope I get to tell you in person (or rather in our usually chatting place) before you read this. You'll be awake soon =)
He has a cute name, and is taller than me (big bonus!!) and he actually reminds me a little of my dad's friend Dane, one of the identical twins... I consider that a little bit of a plus too, but no one else but maybe Bloggingbrit would know that.
So he bought me coffee and we talked hockey (he loves hockey too like me) and then my mom called and made me come home right away. But he gave me a little half-hug when we left and it was totally a no pressure situation. =)
Bloggingbrit, I hope I get to tell you in person (or rather in our usually chatting place) before you read this. You'll be awake soon =)
Online Dating
Saturday, August 15, 2009
In response to Bloggingbrits response to me, I present you with Anthony Sullivan. I enjoy following him on Twitter here because he is quite entertaining and I play his little contests he has late at night. And he posts amusing pictures too. Anyway, he worked alongside Billy Mays and when I saw him crying on the Pitchman special I couldn't help but burst into tears myself. So, I present you Anthony Sullivan and the Grater Plater (featured on an episode of Pitchmen)
Anthony Sullivan,
Grater Plater,
Barry Scott
After watching the Billy Mays infomercial posted by DewTheZamboni, I was instantly reminded of Barry Scott. Barry does commercials for Cillit Bang (Dewi may know it as Easy-Off BAM)and he is the closest we get in Britain to Billy Mays...
...the main difference is that Billy seems to have been well respected, and Barry is simply just annoying!
Then, when looking up details of Barry Scott to post on here, I found out that he doesn't exist! He's simply a character played by an actor called Neil Burgess. That just makes him even more annoying! His only saving grace is his cameo role HERE.
...the main difference is that Billy seems to have been well respected, and Barry is simply just annoying!
Then, when looking up details of Barry Scott to post on here, I found out that he doesn't exist! He's simply a character played by an actor called Neil Burgess. That just makes him even more annoying! His only saving grace is his cameo role HERE.
Barry Scott,
Billy Mays,
Cillit Bang,
Friday, August 14, 2009
I went on this little Ghost Tour thing in my town because certain members of my family wanted to go... Well it was two hours of standing around, which I will be doing at work tomorrow... neat but also kind of boring. didn't finished till about 10:45 tonight... and it started at 8:30.
Now I'm in bed and I think the Marine base is having bombing practice... I hate the sound of it, it's just not nice. Once in a while you will hear a bomb or whatnot, but tonight its like at 10 explosions a minute. I will probably close my window as soon as I'm done with this post. It just sounds scary.
On a happy note I will be home all alone all day tomorrow from about 9 or 10am until I go to work. I hope Bloggingbrit reads this... he knows what that means. My family is going to the beach but can't take me because I wouldn't be home in time for work. Bloggingbrit... ;)
Now I'm in bed and I think the Marine base is having bombing practice... I hate the sound of it, it's just not nice. Once in a while you will hear a bomb or whatnot, but tonight its like at 10 explosions a minute. I will probably close my window as soon as I'm done with this post. It just sounds scary.
On a happy note I will be home all alone all day tomorrow from about 9 or 10am until I go to work. I hope Bloggingbrit reads this... he knows what that means. My family is going to the beach but can't take me because I wouldn't be home in time for work. Bloggingbrit... ;)
I'm quite peeved that lately they have been changing some of Billy Mays' infomercials. Like I saw one just now for Orangeglow and they used the same commercial but didn't show any of Billy or use his voice and it bothers me. It's HIS commercial!!
That's the original... I couldn't find the edited clip online that I just saw on TV.
Also, I would like to wish Bloggingbrit good luck. You know I want the best for you, and you know I'm antsy to talk to you already!! Haha
That's the original... I couldn't find the edited clip online that I just saw on TV.
Also, I would like to wish Bloggingbrit good luck. You know I want the best for you, and you know I'm antsy to talk to you already!! Haha
Billy Mays,
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
I'm going on a hike tomorrow. Get to use my new backpack finally. Probably will send most pics to Bloggingbrit afterwards. I'm not really sure what to post... oooh... I gotta show you this clip. I crack up everytime I see it. I spent all day on Monday watching theses little episode things.
I love the little hamster. All those UK version ones are adorable
I guess that's all I have to say....
I love the little hamster. All those UK version ones are adorable
I guess that's all I have to say....
Creature Comforts,
Monday, August 10, 2009
My Thanks
Today I feel the need to thank some people. Bloggingbrit in particular has always been there for me whenever I need someone, no matter how many times I've annoyed him or made him mad. He has been there with me guy after guy, annoying moment after annoying moment. I luv him more than I think he knows, I just wish the stupid ocean wasn't in the way to prevent us from being together. He's my best friend.
Freddie has also been there for me. He's always got something to say to make me feel better, even though he can be a pest sometimes, he's never given me reason to get mad at him. I'll miss speech class with him. He really does mean well.
Taylor is a sweetheart as well. Sending me silly pictures when he walks by something that reminds him of me. He was the first person I texted when I woke up this morning and he was in awww. Everyone has said "but you looked so good on myspace/facebook!!" So just proves along with Bloggingbrit's comment about being annoyed for me that this was just so random and odd... no one was expecting it. Anyway, Taylor told me I should talk to his friend. He used to play hockey but now only watches it and stuff. And said he actually told him about me a couple of weeks ago. He thinks I should talk to this friend. I told him I wasn't ready for another relationship and he said he knows but still thinks we should talk. He's a pretty cool guy, at least that's what he said... then I just now got a text "ok, uno min we gotta move a helicopter" he doesn't even have to try to be funny and just about everything that comes out of his mouth (or phone I guess) makes me chuckle.
Christina has been a good friend too. Although we deal with situations in different ways she's always been there for me when I need someone to listen to me.
Emily has been a good friend as well. I won't get to see her at all much because he lives in Palos Verde, which is in L.A. I met her at the LA Kings Women's Workshop. It's fun to have a few girl friends who like the Kings and hockey so much. We can giggle over the players butts together.
Eliza I cannot forget because of what she did for me about Luke. If I could pick any one person to have as a roomie it'd be her. I like her a lot.
Chris, although flighty at times, was there for me when Mattia left me. I remember the text messages we sent to each other about it and he made me feel better, and shared with me things he felt and went through with his loss of a girlfriend that I knew he really really liked. He was thinking about marrying her. But I'm happy for him now. He has a girlfriend I have talked to once (by accident) when I was on Skype and Chris opened a group message with me, him, and his (current) girlfriend. And me and her picked on Chris till he left his own group he made. I approve of her =)
Anton has been a good friend as well. I've only known him about a year, and he is in the US somewhere now... but he was there for me when Mattia left, and has always been supportive. But lately his phone has problems so I haven't heard from him in over a month I think. I hope he's doing ok. He is Russian.
A few other honorable mentions would be Alyssa, Marcus, Filip, and Rob (Bobby) who is currently trapped over in one of the most dangerous places in Iraq right now, as they shut down his base he is at over there and can't come home. He was due back next month and wanted to see me. Now all I'm praying for is that he gets back safely. I miss talking to him and our weird sense of humor together.
I think that's all for this post. If you haven't read the post below I want you to read it. I left it up on my screen like all day. It made me feel really good, what Bloggingbrit said about me. He wrote it as I was just dumped and driving home... so maybe it was premonition that I needed to read something like that...
Which reminds me... I told my mom about the dream I had both this other day and when Chris was going through problems with his girlfriend. Bloggingbrit knows what I'm talking about. Anyway my mom said that my grandma gets that too sometimes, premonitions and not quite seeing the future, but you get the idea. My dad admitted he gets it too... So it runs in the family. I'm just bummed it always only deals with relationships gone wrong for me.
DewTheZamboni is out.
Freddie has also been there for me. He's always got something to say to make me feel better, even though he can be a pest sometimes, he's never given me reason to get mad at him. I'll miss speech class with him. He really does mean well.
Taylor is a sweetheart as well. Sending me silly pictures when he walks by something that reminds him of me. He was the first person I texted when I woke up this morning and he was in awww. Everyone has said "but you looked so good on myspace/facebook!!" So just proves along with Bloggingbrit's comment about being annoyed for me that this was just so random and odd... no one was expecting it. Anyway, Taylor told me I should talk to his friend. He used to play hockey but now only watches it and stuff. And said he actually told him about me a couple of weeks ago. He thinks I should talk to this friend. I told him I wasn't ready for another relationship and he said he knows but still thinks we should talk. He's a pretty cool guy, at least that's what he said... then I just now got a text "ok, uno min we gotta move a helicopter" he doesn't even have to try to be funny and just about everything that comes out of his mouth (or phone I guess) makes me chuckle.
Christina has been a good friend too. Although we deal with situations in different ways she's always been there for me when I need someone to listen to me.
Emily has been a good friend as well. I won't get to see her at all much because he lives in Palos Verde, which is in L.A. I met her at the LA Kings Women's Workshop. It's fun to have a few girl friends who like the Kings and hockey so much. We can giggle over the players butts together.
Eliza I cannot forget because of what she did for me about Luke. If I could pick any one person to have as a roomie it'd be her. I like her a lot.
Chris, although flighty at times, was there for me when Mattia left me. I remember the text messages we sent to each other about it and he made me feel better, and shared with me things he felt and went through with his loss of a girlfriend that I knew he really really liked. He was thinking about marrying her. But I'm happy for him now. He has a girlfriend I have talked to once (by accident) when I was on Skype and Chris opened a group message with me, him, and his (current) girlfriend. And me and her picked on Chris till he left his own group he made. I approve of her =)
Anton has been a good friend as well. I've only known him about a year, and he is in the US somewhere now... but he was there for me when Mattia left, and has always been supportive. But lately his phone has problems so I haven't heard from him in over a month I think. I hope he's doing ok. He is Russian.
A few other honorable mentions would be Alyssa, Marcus, Filip, and Rob (Bobby) who is currently trapped over in one of the most dangerous places in Iraq right now, as they shut down his base he is at over there and can't come home. He was due back next month and wanted to see me. Now all I'm praying for is that he gets back safely. I miss talking to him and our weird sense of humor together.
I think that's all for this post. If you haven't read the post below I want you to read it. I left it up on my screen like all day. It made me feel really good, what Bloggingbrit said about me. He wrote it as I was just dumped and driving home... so maybe it was premonition that I needed to read something like that...
Which reminds me... I told my mom about the dream I had both this other day and when Chris was going through problems with his girlfriend. Bloggingbrit knows what I'm talking about. Anyway my mom said that my grandma gets that too sometimes, premonitions and not quite seeing the future, but you get the idea. My dad admitted he gets it too... So it runs in the family. I'm just bummed it always only deals with relationships gone wrong for me.
DewTheZamboni is out.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
I'm watching a tv documentary about drug use in Fresno, California. Specifically it's about people who use crystal meth. It's depressing to watch. I'm just happy to know that DewTheZamboni will never end up like any of the characters on this show. It's nice to be able to be so sure about something like that. Dewi is a great girl.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
I got my paycheck today. It was less than I was expecting. Under $200. Yay,Dirty Jobs... That Bite is on tv now. I like the shark ones. I'm sad that Shark Week on Discovery Channel is coming to an end.
I'm not sure what to write exactly. I wanted to mention something about Bloggingbrit making me laugh today, but I can't remember what I was laughing about.... oh! Fingers... I think. Anyway I had a crummy day, and now I'm starting to get a headache. But I'm glad that Dirty Jobs is going to be on for a while, I miss this show. And lately nothing has been on TV.
I want to talk to Bloggingbrit some more. Like, I think we should have a sleepover and stay up all night talking. I was up till 2am last night so that's half of it, though I got home around 12 so it wasn't that long of a chat.
I'm not sure what to write exactly. I wanted to mention something about Bloggingbrit making me laugh today, but I can't remember what I was laughing about.... oh! Fingers... I think. Anyway I had a crummy day, and now I'm starting to get a headache. But I'm glad that Dirty Jobs is going to be on for a while, I miss this show. And lately nothing has been on TV.
I want to talk to Bloggingbrit some more. Like, I think we should have a sleepover and stay up all night talking. I was up till 2am last night so that's half of it, though I got home around 12 so it wasn't that long of a chat.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Someone's birthday
Just wanted to leave a little note here... Happy Birthday Bloggingbrit!! I'm glad you enjoyed your night, and your present from me (even though I don't really think it was from me)
Luv ya!!
Luv ya!!
Sunday, August 2, 2009
I have been leaving huge gaps between my posts in hopes Bloggingbrit would write, as he promised he wouldn't neglect this blog or his money making one, but I believe he is neglecting both... I am trying very hard not to use certain language especially if you're reading this right now mister... POST SOMETHING!!
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