Summer has finally started for me, Finals are done and it's tanning time, starting (sometime) tomorrow. Reggie Willits played tonight, got an RBI (run batted in) and a single (made it to 1st base for those who don't follow baseball). In case you didn't know, Reggie Willits is my all-time favorite Angel player. I got a personalized autographed baseball from him. My grandma's friend works on the field as a field usher or something, so he knows all the players. I'll take a pic of the ball and upload it in a bit.

Lake Elsinore Storm autographed baseball from years ago. I was probably 5 or 6 years old. Lake Elsinore is less than 30 miles from my house.

My Erstad ball, he retired...

Reggie Willits signed this for me ... yeah i blurred out my name

Another thing, June is right around the corner and Andrew says that Angels/Dodgers games are always popular. I texted him earlier and we decided we would both look for good seats and compromise on tickets. Still not sure if he's buying, or if we are buying our own tickets. Shoot, he has 3 cool jobs, I'm sure he's got a lot of money!!
Lastly, I'd just like to make a note that it is Wednesday (in Cali, in UK it's Thursday!!). And you know what Wednesdays mean for me? Discovery Date Night. 8pm Time Warp, 9pm ♥Mythbusters♥ , and 10pm Pitchmen with Billy Mayes and Anthony Sullivan. Pitchmen sounds dumb maybe to some of you, but honestly, it's very interesting as well as entertaining. I like Sully better than Billy, not because he's British, but because he's not as loud and obnoxious as Billy.

Another thing, June is right around the corner and Andrew says that Angels/Dodgers games are always popular. I texted him earlier and we decided we would both look for good seats and compromise on tickets. Still not sure if he's buying, or if we are buying our own tickets. Shoot, he has 3 cool jobs, I'm sure he's got a lot of money!!
Lastly, I'd just like to make a note that it is Wednesday (in Cali, in UK it's Thursday!!). And you know what Wednesdays mean for me? Discovery Date Night. 8pm Time Warp, 9pm ♥Mythbusters♥ , and 10pm Pitchmen with Billy Mayes and Anthony Sullivan. Pitchmen sounds dumb maybe to some of you, but honestly, it's very interesting as well as entertaining. I like Sully better than Billy, not because he's British, but because he's not as loud and obnoxious as Billy.

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