Sunday, May 31, 2009
Work... continued....
I made a list of everywhere I have applied. 16 places on the list and a few I have forgotten, but I added another this evening. I applied where I never thought I'd apply... that's right... Walmart. But see the thing is, in my town, it's pretty clean. It's not too gross or anything. And they are turning our old Walmart into a Super Walmart, so there will be a grocery store inside now!! And I'm sure they will need more people to work that. So I'm not proud of it, but hell, it's work.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Got any work?
It's a really nice, sunny weekend here. I'm off to visit my sister for possibly the last time before she makes me an uncle. I'll post an update again soon!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Why always me?
And I hope Bloggingbrit has heard good news from his meeting.
Someone make me laugh, please.
Flying Penguins 2
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Flying Penguins
I played an awesome game online today. I spent probably an hour doing it.
It's amazing... and cute... like Bloggingbrit =)
Monday, May 25, 2009
I played a quick game of Minesweeper today, whilst waiting for some files to download. The beginners game is easy. I played several games to get a decent ‘best time’. Then I moved onto the intermediate game. It’s a little harder, and I had several attempts before I won the game. That just left the advanced level to play in order to get my ‘best time’ for all three levels of difficulty. That took up the rest of my day! :(
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Windows 7
I too have a long weekend as Monday is a bank holiday here in the UK. I decided to tinker with my computer today as tinkering is what I enjoy doing, but I’ve not done very much of it recently. I read about the features of Microsoft’s new operating system, Windows 7, and how the RC (release candidate) version is available for anyone to download and use. Normally they are buggy and have features intentionally left out, but the review I was reading indicated that this was not the case for Windows 7, so I thought I would give it a try.
I use Windows XP, and have never used Vista as I am happy enough with XP so didn’t see the point of spending money to upgrade until I get a new computer. Windows 7 RC will install over Vista, but won’t install over XP, so I had to do a clean install. I didn’t want to lose my files, so I decided to partition my hard drive and install Windows 7 as a second operating System on my pc. I had a quick look online to see if this could be done easily, and it could, I just needed to have at least 16Gb of space on the new partition.
I downloaded the 64bit version of Windows 7 as I have a 64bit CPU (which has never run a 64bit operating system, so I was interested to see if I noticed any difference). The download is just over 3Gb which is huge. It is an ISO file which needs to be burned to a DVD, which is then used as a boot up disc. Everything ran smoothly, with the whole process taking about 3 hours, although half of that time was spent defragging my hard drive before I created the partition. Once it had fully installed I had a play to see what new features there were. Unfortunately I couldn’t connect to the internet, and that was due to Windows 7 not finding a device driver for the network adapter on my motherboard. After restarting the computer to boot back into XP, I found an updated driver which i downloaded and saved in my partitioned drive, and installed once I booted into Windows 7 again. This worked fine, and once online it automatically found updated drivers for my other devices.
The release candidate of Windows 7 will expire in about 12 months. So far I like it a lot so I will probably use it as my main operating system. I’m writing this blog entry using Windows Live Writer, which is part of the Windows Live suite of programs, and is designed to offer useful tools to blog writers. I’ll let you know how useful it is next time I blog.
Sorry this is a tech-heavy post, but I’m quite pleased with myself about still having a decent amount of computer knowledge, and about being brave enough to take the plunge with something like this.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Memorial Day Weekend
Everyone has been asking me "what are your plans for the weekend?" being that it's Memorial Day on Monday and a 3 day weekend. I had no plans... totally lame and boring. Then, out of the blue... BAM!!... I don't even have enough hours to do everything that's suddenly become planned!!
Andrew texted me, he is staying at a hotel 5 mins from my house and wanted to know where I lived... I told him I was going to the mall and asked if he wanted to tag along and he did, but he couldn't tonight. So tomorrow we have plans to hang out until his brother's baseball tournament (the reason he is down here). So Saturday is full, and who knows if I will end up going to the game with him.
Sunday I have plans to go do a public skate with a friend and someone else, and that is like right in the middle of the afternoon... so Sunday is shot.
Monday seems to be my only free day, but more people wanna hang out!! It's stressing me out being so popular haha. And the people I say I can't hang out with ask if we could do something next weekend, but I will be at another baseball game with Andrew!! So many people, so little time.
I made a new friend the other day. We get along great... in a weird kinda creepy way. We both had a strange sense of humor and strange personalities... my strange-ness gets set loose with this friend. It's cool I guess. I'm worried though, as this person is now in Iraq fighting the war as Marine 2 in my book =(
I worry for all people in the military right now. I would have a tough time ever being in a relationship with a guy in the military, you never know when they are leaving, never know if they'll come back.
My old next door neighbor died fighting in Iraq... on his birthday. Left behind a wife and two awesome kids, a daughter, now 15 and a son about 12 now. He was in a helicopter that got shot down and crashed. He was a good man, only just got to meet him before I lost him. Kevin has been gone for about 2 or 3 years now.
Yeah military guys have an advantage because of their automatic super cuteness, being in uniform, mostly good looking, and have that really protective nature about them, I don't know if I could handle losing one as my significant other. My second cousin (I will admit, he is hot, but I know he is my cousin, only met him twice though) was in the Navy, almost died. He was one Humvee away from a mine. He was supposed to be in the one that blew up, but for some reason he was switched to the one behind, but he lost one of his best friends.
I'm depressing myself, maybe it's time to sleep
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
I also decided I want to organize my Favorites... it's overwhelming when I see all 28 sites and 7 Folders... I'm gonna make an 8th one and put all my hockey links in there, that will clear up A LOT of room.
Tomorrow there are no excuses for going to Islands to check on my job app. Even though they aren't hiring my mom is hounding me to go bribe the manager. Embarrassing. And I think this evening, maybe after I blog here, I will go to the other place that IS hiring and ask if they've looked over my application yet. But I look like crap... meh, I'll do it tomorrow haha.
I spent a nice afternoon with Bloggingbrit (I know you, the reader, can't tell, but I always put a space between Blogging and brit and then I have to go back and delete it). I also bit down on a piece (or is it a grain?) of black pepper that was on the steak for seasoning, and you know when you bite one in half it burns your tongue for hours... **sigh**
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Met another dude at the rink tonight... Marine, we've all heard they are bad news, but he seems calm... but maybe that's a warning sign, haha.
I gotta check in on my job apps tomorrow... or I guess TODAY since it's past midnight now. Deadliest Catch is on... Love their theme song... Wanted Dead or Alive by Bon Jovi.
I drank all my water in the glass next to me. I'm tired of Gatorade. I think I drank my weight in Gatorade earlier and yet I haven't had to run to the bathroom, was I really that dehydrated?
I want cake and Fritos... not together, but I want those two items of food.
Oooh, last night, about 1:10am, all our smoke detectors went off and the alarms were so annoying. Strange thing was they went for about a minute, then turned off, and there was no smoke or fire anywhere in the house. It did manage to wake everyone up. My dad thinks it was an electrical surge. But now my mom is unplugging everything in the house. She swears my laptop smokes (totally does not), she thinks when u burn a cd, it is actually burning... she unplugged the camcorder that my sister was trying to charge for her class project. Soooo annoying
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Been texting my hockey buddy/coach/friend/date? guy... going to a game with him in less than 2 weeks, he is excited, I'm excited. I doubt it's a date though because he asked me if some of his friends could come too or if I wanted it to be just me and him. I told him just me and him, he was down with either way.
My tanning is going well, though some might say I cheat a little. Looking towards a long hot week this week. Probably these next two weeks are going to be soooooo long because the only real excitement for me will be the baseball game. I hope it's not too hot, I mean it's a night game, so it will probably be decent weather... warm, but not hot... maybe as the night goes on around 9pm or so a light jacket if the wind picks up. We are playing the Mariners, haha, my neighbors favorite team... we pick on each other sooooo much about it.
Apparently we had an earthquake earlier, but no one in my family felt it, yet all my friends from San Diego to LA felt it. Weird. Andrew said he thought his dryer was attacking... and my friend Emily says "SHUT UP! it wasn't an earthqauke it was anze getting out of the shower, and he slipped." That really made me laugh so hard. I'm still giggling. In case you didn't know, Anze is my favorite hockey player, he plays for the Kings. He is like 6'4" and 220lbs. It was just so random and so hilarious. I will be laughing for weeks about that one. Wow... haha, sorry I'm still laughing. Haha.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Bear almost lost a finger!!

Sadly the next jungle shoot I was intending to do had to be postponed as I severed my finger down to the bone on a razor-sharp strand of half-cut bamboo.
I got it sewn up, but it was a bit of a quick job to see me through, hence it looks a bit ugly and ragged!
Anyway, hopefully the nerve damage will repair and I can get back onto the next show, God willing. But I do feel a bit battered generally. Jungle episodes are always intense.
Back soon,
Bear x
Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Another thing, June is right around the corner and Andrew says that Angels/Dodgers games are always popular. I texted him earlier and we decided we would both look for good seats and compromise on tickets. Still not sure if he's buying, or if we are buying our own tickets. Shoot, he has 3 cool jobs, I'm sure he's got a lot of money!!
Lastly, I'd just like to make a note that it is Wednesday (in Cali, in UK it's Thursday!!). And you know what Wednesdays mean for me? Discovery Date Night. 8pm Time Warp, 9pm ♥Mythbusters♥ , and 10pm Pitchmen with Billy Mayes and Anthony Sullivan. Pitchmen sounds dumb maybe to some of you, but honestly, it's very interesting as well as entertaining. I like Sully better than Billy, not because he's British, but because he's not as loud and obnoxious as Billy.

Friday, May 8, 2009
Many Shades of Pink
So I looked in our medicine cabinet in the downstairs bathroom where my mom keeps the nail polishes but we have no good colors!! Only about a thousand shades of pink. I mean, I have a deep purple, neon yellow, and white and red, but those aren't good summer colors!! Look at all these!! It was after I put my colors back so they are kind of in front, but I mean we have so many pinks, it's disgusting!!

So I'm not sure why we have a giant pair of scissors in there, I've never used them, and I don't know anyone else who has... but in case you need some, we have some hidden in here. Ohh hey, my ear piercing disinfectant there in pink, haha.
Anyway, so I decided on a shade of pink that wasn't too light or too dark. I picked the pink (that almost looks red I guess) there on the bottom row on the far left. It makes my white feet look even whiter, but it's alright I guess. Last summer I have a tan line on my feet from my flip flops and I didn't tan at all (deliberately) so hopefully this summer I'll get some nice color.
I hope I can be not so white by June 19th, when I'm going to an Angels game with Andrew, one of the assistant coaches at my women's workshop. We have hit things off pretty well, he came up with the idea of going to a game since we grew up in the same area with similar interests. Anyway, I'll be going to 2 games on 2 Fridays in a row. The first with my family, the second with Andrew. I'm excited... not sure if it's gonna be considered a date or not. Scary thing is, the first date my mom and dad went on was he took my mom to an Angel game... hmm... something to keep in mind maybe?
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Turning The Place Over
Monday, May 4, 2009
Eyebrows and Ducks
want to, here it is:
Also funny, which I pointed out that Bloggingbrit didn't notice (even though he is the one that showed me the clip!) is the rubber duck flying out of the suitcase in this clip: